Fluoride Varnish Please!

Fluoride Varnish Please!

Flouride helps reduce the development of cavities by stopping the breakdown of enamel caused by acid in the mouth. The Centers for Control and Prevention reported that cities served by fluoridated public water, resulted in less cavities. This information, has led to the development of products that contain fluoride such as professional fluoride applications, toothpastes, and mouth rinses. Professional fluorides include foam, gel and varnish. Recent studies have shown of a more effective and safe way to deliver fluoride at the dental office. Remember taking your kids to the dentist and having a tray filled with foam, which made them gag, put in their mouth along with a suction so they wouldn't swallow any fluoride? To top it all off, they weren't allowed to eat for 30 minutes! Well times have changed. In the dental field, improvements are always being made to accommodate and make sure, that patients are comfortable! Which is why there is now a fluoride varnish. Fluoride varnish is a more effective and easier way of delivering fluoride. It comes in a unit dose so that every application is consistent and precise rather than dispensing it from a bottle. It is painted on the teeth with a brush; it adheres to the teeth, so that is slowly releases the fluoride. With varnish there is no waiting period for eating, so you're able to eat right away! Adults benefit from varnish since it helps with the prevention of cavities and sensitivity. Patients with braces also benefit because the brackets can cause enamel breakdown and the varnish can minimize it. Patients are recommended to get fluoride treatments twice a year. So next time you're in the office be sure to say "Varnish please!" Be sure to check out our office website www.robisonfamilydental.com.